Study on Dynamic Response of Stiffened Plate Frame by Cylindrical Charge Shape
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摘要:为了研究近距爆炸时柱形装药形状对某典型缩比板架结构动态响应的影响,基于LS-DYNA软件建立了板架结构在近距爆炸载荷下的有限元模型,分析了柱形装药长径比对板架变形损伤与能量吸收的影响,并通过野外爆炸试验对仿真模型的正确性进行了验证。结果表明:1.5 kg药柱轴向布置时,随着长径比增大,靶板的塑性损伤逐渐降低,长径比分别为1/3, 1/2, 1, 2和3时,靶板表面最大塑性应变依次为0.264, 0.203, 0.159, 0.119和0.115。靶板残余位移与装药质量近似呈线性关系,当装药轴向布置时,长径比越小,曲线斜率越大,靶板最大残余位移随装药质量增加的速率越快;装药径向布置时的变化趋势与此相反。随着长径比增大,装药轴向布置时靶板的残余位移和吸能值均呈现非线性减小趋势,径向布置时二者均呈现非线性增大的趋势,这说明近距爆炸时装药形状对板架结构响应的影响不可忽略。
Abstract:In order to study the influence of cylindrical charge shape on the dynamic response of a typical scaled plate structure under close-range explosion, a finite element model of the plate frame structure under close-range explosion load was established based on LS-DYNA software. The influence of the length-diameter ratio of cylindrical charges on the deformation damage and energy absorption of the plate frame was analyzed, and the validity of the simulation model was verified through field explosion tests. The results show that when the 1.5 kg charge is arranged axially, the plastic damage of the target plate gradually decreases with the increase of length-diameter ratio. When the length-diameter ratio is 1/3, 1/2, 1, 2, and 3, the maximum plastic strain on the target plate surface is 0.264, 0.203, 0.159, 0.119, and 0.115, respectively. The residual displacement of the target plate is approximately linearly related to the charge mass. When the charge is arranged axially, the smaller the length-diameter ratio, the larger the curve slope, and the faster the rate at which the maximum residual displacement of the target plate increases with the charge mass; The change trend when the charge is arranged radially is opposite to this. As the length-diameter ratio increasing, both the residual displacement and energy absorption values of the target plate show a nonlinear decreasing trend when the charge is arranged axially, while both show a nonlinear increasing trend when arranged radially. This indicates that the influence of charge shape on the response of plate structures under close-range explosion cannot be ignored.
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