Effect of Oil Phase Materials on the Non-Isothermal Thermal Decomposition Characteristics of Field-Mixed Emulsion Explosive Matrix
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摘要:为研究油相材料对现场混装乳化炸药基质热稳定性的影响,对6种油相配比乳胶基质样品的微观结构、热分解过程、热分解动力学参数和热分解机理函数进行了实验和计算。结果表明:油相配比不同会导致乳胶基质连续相油膜变化和分散相液滴粒径分布差异,油相材料中机油质量分数在0≤ωe≤0.62时,分散相液滴粒径分布影响占主导作用,样品热稳定性随机油含量增多而增强;0.62≤ωe≤1时,连续相油膜影响占主导作用,样品热稳定性随机油含量增多而减弱。由2.5%柴油、3%机油制备的D样品的表观活化能、反应起始温度、DTG峰值温度最高,热稳定性最佳。0≤ωe≤0.62的样品A、B、C、D热分解过程符合指数为3/2的幂函数Mampel Power法则;0.62≤ωe≤1的样品E、F热分解过程符合一级Mample单行法则,随机成核和随后生长机理。
Abstract:In order to study the effect of oil phase materials on the thermal stability of field-mixed emulsion explosive matrices, experiments and calculations were conducted on the microstructure, thermal decomposition process, thermal decomposi- tion kinetic parameters, and thermal decomposition mechanism functions of six emulsion matrix samples with different oil phase ratios. The results show that variations in the continuous phase oil film of the emulsion matrix and differences in droplet size distribution of dispersed phase are attributed to the different of oil phase ratios. The thermal stability of the samples increases with the increase of mass fraction (ωe) of the engine oil in oil phase for 0≤ωe≤0.62, and correspondingly, the droplet size distribution of dispersed phase plays a dominant role. Instead, the thermal stability of the samples decreases with the increase of ωe in the range of 0.62≤ωe≤1, as the continuous phase oil film plays the dominant role. Sample D, prepared from 2.5% diesel and 3% engine oil, exhibites the best thermal stability, as well as the highest apparent activation energy, reaction onset temperature, and DTG peak temperature. For samples A, B, C, and D, the thermal decomposition process follows the Mampel Power law with an index of 3/2 in the range of 0≤ωe≤0.62. For samples E and F, the thermal decomposition process follows the first-order single-line Mample law in the range of 0.62≤ωe≤1, indicating a mechanism of random nucleation and subsequent growth.
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