Study on the Rock Damage Effect of Five-Hole Cutting Blasting under In-Situ Stress Influence
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摘要:在地下矿山开采过程中,地应力对巷道掘进效率的影响日益显著。本研究以某地下铁矿为研究对象,采用有限元软件LS-DYNA模拟不同地应力条件下五孔掏槽爆破掏槽孔孔间延期时间对岩石损伤程度的影响。通过现场爆破实验和块度识别软件验证模拟结果,探究了地应力、孔间延期时间与岩石损伤程度之间的关系。研究结果表明,地应力由0 MPa增加到10 MPa,五孔掏槽爆破掏槽孔最佳延期时间由60 ms减少为10 ms,相应的岩石损伤程度降低79%。地应力对爆破远区岩石裂纹的发育影响较大,而对近区影响较小。现场实验进一步证实了数值模拟的结论,表明可以根据实际地应力大小合理设置延期时间,有效降低大块率,提高爆破效率。
Abstract:In the process of underground mining, the impact of in-situ stress on the efficiency of tunnel excavation has become increasingly significant. This study, taking an underground iron mine as the research object, used the finite element software LS-DYNA to simulate the influence of the delay time between the five-hole cutting blasting holes on the degree of rock damage under different in-situ stress conditions. By conducting on-site blasting experiments and using block size recognition software to verify the simulation results, this study explored the relationship between in-situ stress, delay time, and the degree of rock damage. The research findings indicate that when the in-situ stress is increased from 0 MPa to 10 MPa, the optimal delay time for the five hole excavation blasting is reduced from 60 ms to 10 ms, resulting in a 79% reduction in rock damage. In-situ stress has a greater impact on the development of rock cracks in the far blasting area, while it has a smaller impact on the near blasting area. On-site experiments further confirm the conclusions of numerical simulation, showing that reasonable delay time can be set according to the actual in-situ stress to effectively reduce the block rate and improve blasting efficiency.
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