Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on Multi-Segment Cut Blasting in Hole
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摘要:针对传统煤矿巷道掏槽爆破成本高、炮孔利用率低等问题,提出了一种孔内多分段掏槽爆破技术。通过采用ANSYS/AUTODYN 数值模拟软件建立直眼掏槽、楔形掏槽和孔内多分段掏槽 3 组仿真模型,结合SPH 算法进行仿真计算,对比分析了不同掏槽爆破模型的进尺效果,并针对孔内多分段掏槽爆破方法进行了现场缩比实验。研究表明:孔内多分段掏槽爆破模型理论上具有改善掘进面掏槽区自由面形态、破除岩石夹制力、增强爆破作用力等多种优点;仿真结果显示孔内多分段掏槽模型炮孔利用率可达97%,高于直眼掏槽和楔形掏槽;现场缩比实验结果表明,孔内多分段掏槽爆破进尺效果良好,最高可达100%,充分证明了孔内多分段掏槽爆破技术的优越性。
Abstract:Aiming at the problems of high cost and low utilization rate of blast hole in traditional coal mine roadway cut blasting, a multi-segment cut blasting method in hole was proposed. By using ANSYS/AUTODYN numerical simulation software, three groups of simulation models, namely straight cut, wedge cut and multi-segment cut in hole, are established. Combined with SPH algorithm, simulation calculation is carried out, and the footage effects of different cut blasting models are compared and analyzed. In addition, field scale experiments are carried out for multi-segment cut blasting method in hole. The study show that the multi-segment cut blasting model in the hole has many advantages in theory, such as improving the free surface shape of the cutting area of the heading face, breaking the rock clamping force, enhancing the blasting force, etc. The simulation results show that the hole utilization rate of the multi-segment cut model in the hole can reach 97%, which is higher than those of the straight cut and wedge cut; the field scaling experiment results show that the footage of the multi-segment cut blasting in the hole is good, the maximum footage can reach up to 100% , the superiority of multi-segment cut blasting in hole technology is fully demonstrated.
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