Comparative Study on the FeS2-CoS2 Composite Positive Electrode Material for Thermal Battery from Different Manufacturers
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Abstract:In order to improve the optimization and application of FeS2-CoS2 composite positive electrode material for thermal battery, two types of FeS2-CoS2 composite positive electrode material were prepared by adding conductive agents of CoS2 produced by different manufacturers into FeS2, and the single cell batteries with two FeS2-CoS2 composite positive electrode materials were manufactured. The microstructure, particle size distribution, X-ray diffraction analysis for two CoS2 raw materials and FeS2-CoS2 composite positive electrode materials, and discharge testing of the single cell batteries were conducted. It is found that the FeS2-CoS2 composite positive electrode material from Guangdong has a more uniform microstructure and fewer small particles, the FeS2-CoS2 positive electrode material produced in Hunan is more suitable for low current discharge applications, while the FeS2-CoS2 positive electrode material produced in Guangdong is more suitable for high power discharge. In addition, the two FeS2-CoS2 positive electrode materials were applied to a certain type of thermal battery and tested at high and low temperature. The results show that the FeS2-CoS2 positive electrode material from Guangdong has better discharge performance than the FeS2-CoS2 material from Hunan.
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