Numerical Simulation on Forming and Penetrating Target of the Combination-filling Liner
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摘要:针对聚能射流侵彻披挂爆炸反应装甲坦克顶部装甲的高效毁伤问题,提出了一种新型的组合-填充药型罩结构。采用非线性动力学分析软件AUTODYN-2D对射流形成和侵彻靶板过程进行了数值模拟,并分析了填充物材料和起爆方式对射流成型的影响以及炸高对侵彻性能的影响。研究结果表明:所提出的组合-填充药型罩可以形成首尾相连的两级串联射流,填充物采用铝和特氟龙时射流成型效果较好,但铝成型更加稳定;点环起爆形成的射流动能比单独点起爆形成的前级射流动能提高67.06%,后级射流动能提高29.51%;在炸高区间为2~6 CD(装药直径)时,成型射流均可以侵彻披挂爆炸反应装甲的坦克顶甲,并保持一定的剩余头部速度,且最佳炸高为5 CD。本研究对反披挂爆炸反应装甲坦克顶甲的新结构药型罩设计具有参考意义。
Abstract:In response to the efficient destruction of top armor for tanks clad in explosive reactive armor penetrated by shaped charge jet, a new combination-filling liner structure was proposed. Numerical simulation of the jet formation and penetration process of the target board was carried out using nonlinear dynamics analysis software AUTODYN-2D, the effects of filling material and detonation method on jet forming as well as the effect of burst height on penetration performance were also analyzed. The results show that: the proposed combination-filling liner can form a two-stage tandem jet with the first and the last connected to each other, injection molding is more effective when aluminum and Teflon are used as fillers, but aluminum molding is more stable; Point plus ring detonation improves front-stage jet by 67.06% and rear-stage jet by 29.51% as compared to single point detonation. In the burst height interval of 2~6 CD(charge diameter), the shaped jets can all penetrate the top armor of tanks clad with explosive reactive armor, and maintain a certain residual velocity, and the optimum burst height is 5 CD. This study has reference significance for the design of a new structural liner for penetrating the top armor of tanks clad in explosive reactive armor.
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