Gap and Angle Effects in the Detonation Transmission of Explosive Cutting Networks
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摘要:为研究爆炸切割网络中传爆节点处传爆能力的关键影响因素,通过改变切割索对传爆药柱的传爆间隙进行了平板传爆试验,将试验结果结合仿真分析确定了JO-11C传爆药柱的仿真材料参数,并进一步分析了传播角度对传爆能力的影响。研究结果表明:随着传爆间隙的增加,传爆能力下降,切割索对传爆药柱的最大传爆间隙区间为2.0~2.5 mm;同时,传爆角度的增大能够显著提高传爆能力。本研究为爆炸切割网络的传爆性能研究以及提高武器系统的可靠性提供了参考。
Abstract:In order to explore the key influencing factors of explosion transmission capacity at the nodes of explosive cutting networks, flat plate detonation tests were conducted by changing the detonation gap between the cutting cord and the detonation column, and the test results were combined with simulation analysis to determine the simulation material parameters of the JO-11C detonation column. And the effect of detonation angle on the detonation capability was further analyzed. The results indicate that with the increase of detonation gap, the detonation capability decreases, the maximum detonation gap interval for the cutting cord to the detonation column is 2.0~2.5 mm; Meanwhile, increasing the detonation angle can significantly enhance the detonation capability. This research provides reference for the study of detonation transmission performance in explosive cutting networks and the improvement of weapon system reliability.
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