The Influence of High Temperature Environment on Firing Property of Laser Pyrotechnics
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摘要:为了研究高温环境对激光火工品发火性能的影响,建立了激光火工品的热力场仿真模型,并搭建光学测试系统,探究了激光火工品自聚焦透镜在100 ℃高温下的激光光斑尺寸变化。仿真结果表明:高温环境下自聚焦透镜长度产生92.4 μm的变形量,导致激光光斑尺寸从94 μm增大至150 μm;试验结果表明:高温环境下激光火工品输出光斑在243 ~ 272 μm之间变化,自聚焦透镜变形量的增大导致激光火工品的刺激功率密度降低、作用时间超差。研究表明自聚焦透镜变形降低了激光火工品的发火可靠性。
Abstract:In order to study the influence of high temperature environment on the firing property of laser pyrotechnics, the thermal field simulation model of laser pyrotechnics was established, and the optical test system was set up, to explore the laser spot size change of self-focusing lens of laser pyrotechnics under 100 ℃ temperature condition. The simulation results show that there is a length deformation of 92.4 μm for the self-focusing lens under high temperature condition , which results in the laser spot size increasing from 94 μm to 150 μm; The test results show that the output laser spot of the tested laser pyrotechnic varies from 243 μm to 272 μm, the increase of self-focusing lens deformation leads to the decrease of stimulation power density of the laser pyrotechnics and the action time delay. The study indicates that the deformation of self-focusing lens under high temperature reduces the firing reliability of the laser pyrotechnics.
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