Study on Shock Sources and Propagation Characteristics of Typical Separation Nuts
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Abstract:Based on LS-DYNA numerical simulation and shock test, the contributions of three sources, including propellant explosion, preload release and mechanism collision, to the total shock response of a typical separation nut were studied. In addition, according to the propagation of shock stress waves, the propagation characteristics of shock response arising from different sources were analyzed. The results show that the shock response in the near field of separation nuts mainly originates from propellant explosion while in the mid-to-far field from mechanism collision, and the shock from preload release is small in the whole field. The propagation characteristics of different shock sources are related to their frequency components. The shock generated by propellant explosion is large, high-frequency and attenuated rapidly during propagation. The shock generated by mechanism collision is relatively low-frequency, remaining of a large magnitude even propagating to mid-to-far field. This poses a threat to the safety of space flight.
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