Development and Adaptation Test of the Safe Inner-incentive Non-primary Electronic Detonator
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Abstract:In view of the safety accidents and environmental pollution caused by industrial detonators, a safe inner-incentive non-primary electronic detonator ("IID detonator") was developed, and the adaptation test for IID detonator with different ignition powders were conducted. By using the high explosive as the main charge, and designing excitation component, the efficient and orderly initiation and detonation transmission process is realized. Through the adaptation test with different ignition powders, and the comprehensive evaluation of key functions such as initiation ability and delay accuracy, it show that IID detonators can meet the industry standards when compatible with LTNR and K-K agents,etc. In addition, IIDs detonator structure process is simple, with the characteristics of safety and environmental protection, as well as a wide range of promotion and application prospects.
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