Research Progress on Green Pyrotechnic Compositions Abroad
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Abstract:The research and development progress of green primary explosives and delay compositions abroad in recent years has been sorted out. In the field of primary explosives, foreign researches have focused on the study of nitrogen-rich compounds, high-nitrogen salts, energetic complexes/polymer, as well as primary explosives based on ammonium dinitramide, titanium hydride/potassium perchlorate and aluminum thermite. Among them, 5-nitrotetrazole copper is one of the most attractive achievements. The US army has verified its potential to replace lead azide and lead stefanate on various fuse and detonator platforms, and is seeking to scale up production pathways. In terms of delay compositions, foreign researches have focused on seeking fuels that can replace Sb in Sb/KMnO4, as well as new oxidizers, such as bismuth oxide, barium peroxide and so on. The relevant researches have laid a solid foundations for greenization of detonators and other pyrotechnic devices used in existing ammunition and fuse equipment.
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