Study on Drop Dynamic Characterization of Airborne Point Source Infrared Jamming Projectile
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摘要:针对点源机载红外干扰弹运输、装载等勤务处理过程中可能存在意外跌落的安全性问题,采用试验、仿真等方法对干扰弹跌落时的动力学特性进行研究。对机载点源红外干扰弹进行了跌落试验,并建立干扰弹跌落的有限元动力学模型,开展典型工况下的跌落仿真。跌落试验表明干扰弹从3.5 m跌落后弹壳仅在着地点周围出现了塑性变形,弹体整体结构保持完整。仿真表明弹内零部件会在跌落时发生弹塑性变形,但是这些变形对发射时的同轴度影响较为有限;冲击动力学响应分析发现,不同工况下的冲击加速度时间历程曲线特征基本相同,峰值范围为6 430 g~1 200 000 g,并且跌落方向和零部件位置会影响该点冲击加速度的大小。
Abstract:To address concerns related to the safety and logistical management of point source infrared jamming projectiles, the dynamic characteristics exhibited during the descent of infrared jamming projectiles were investigated by test and simulation. Drop tests were conducted on the point source infrared jamming projectiles, a finite element dynamic model was established and the impact response during the decoy's descent was explored in more detail. After a 3.5 meter descent, it is noted that only the casing shows noticeable plastic deformation near the impact point, while the overall structural integrity of the decoy remains intact. Simulation results indicate that internal components within the decoy undergo elastoplastic deformation upon descent, although this has limited effects on the coaxial alignment during launch. The impact dynamic response analysis show that the acceleration versus time history curves exhibit fundamentally similar characteristics, and the peak value ranges from 6 430 g to 1 200 000 g, the impact acceleration is influenced by both the drop direction and the position of parts.
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