Catalytic Effect of FeMnO3 Material on Potassium Perchlorate-based Coloured Smoke Producing Agent
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摘要:为提高高氯酸钾基彩色发烟剂的发烟效果,采用钙钛矿型材料FeMnO3作为催化材料,研究其对高氯酸钾基燃烧体系的催化作用。在此基础上,选用分散红作为染料制备高氯酸钾基红色发烟剂,探究了催化材料添加前后发烟剂的发烟性能变化。燃烧组分热性能及燃烧性能分析结果表明:FeMnO3的添加使燃烧体系的反应放热峰温度提前了20.1 ℃,使药剂达到最大反应速率时的温度提前24.7 ℃、最大失重速率提升10.78 %·min-1;FeMnO3的添加使燃烧体系的质量燃速提升了1.52倍、平均火焰面积增大了33.64 cm2、平均火焰温度提升了41.4 ℃。发烟测试表明,FeMnO3的添加提升了高氯酸钾基彩色发烟剂在同等配方下的成烟性能。
Abstract:In order to improve the smoke producing effect of potassium perchlorate-based coloured smoke producing agent, a perovskite-type material FeMnO3 was adopted as catalytic material and its catalytic effect on potassium perchlorate-based combustion system was studied. On this basis, dispersed red was chosen as the dye to prepare potassium perchlorate-based red smoke producing agent, and the changes in the smoke producing performance of the agent before and after the addition of catalytic material were investigated. The results of thermal analysis show that the addition of FeMnO3 advances the peak exothermic temperature of the reaction in the combustion system by 20.1 ℃, advances the temperature as the agent reaching the maximum reaction rate by 24.7 ℃, and increases the maximum weight loss rate by 10.78%·min-1.The results of combustion analysis show that the addition of FeMnO3 increases the mass burning speed of the combustion system by 1.52 times, the average flame area is increased by 33.64 cm2, and the average flame temperature is increased by 41.4℃. The smoke producing test results show that the addition of FeMnO3 improves the smoke producing performance of the potassium perchlorate-based coloured smoke producing agents with same formulation.
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