Study on the Influence of Vulcanization Temperature on the Insulation Layer Performance of Solid Rocket Engine
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摘要:针对同一配方固体火箭发动机绝热层,开展了测试温度对未硫化绝热层粘度、未硫化绝热层初期硫化的影响,以及硫化温度对绝热层性能、绝热层界面粘接效果、绝热层高分子结构以及抗烧蚀性能的影响。结果表明:随测试温度的升高绝热层试样的门尼粘度值(ML)降低,硫化T5、T35时间缩短;在相同硫化条件下,硫化温度对绝热层本体的力学性能具有直接且显著的影响,且影响效果与测试环境温度直接相关;硫化温度越高,绝热层的玻璃化温度越高,但硫化温度对绝热层热分解性能没有影响;硫化温度对绝热层试样界面粘接性能、抗烧蚀性能有直接影响,分析证实170 ℃硫化温度下,绝热层已过度硫化。
Abstract:Aimed at the insulation layer of solid rocket engine with the same formula, a study was conducted on the influence of test temperature on viscosity and initial vulcanization of unvulcanized insulation layer, as well as the influence of vulcanization temperature on the property, interface bonding effect, macromelecular structure, and ablative resistance of insulation layer. The results show that with the increase of test temperature, the Mooney viscosity value of the sample decreases, and the vulcanization time is shortened. The vulcanization temperature has a direct and significant impact on the mechanical properties of the insulation layer, and the effect is directly related to the testing environment temperature; As the vulcanization temperature increasing, the glass transition temperature of the insulation layer is also increased, while the thermal property is unaffectd; The vulcanization temperature has a direct impact on the interface bonding performance and ablation resistance of the insulation layer sample , it is confirmed that the insulation layer has been already over-vulcanized at 170 ℃.
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