Cathodic Electrophoretic Deposition and Thermal Properties of Nano-Al/MnO2 Metastable Intermolecular Composites
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摘要:为将纳米Al/MnO2亚稳态分子间复合物(Metastable intermolecular composite,MIC)薄膜应用于微机电系统,采用水热法制备了MnO2纳米棒和MnO2纳米线,采用电泳沉积技术(Electrophoretic deposition,EPD)制备了纳米Al/MnO2 MIC薄膜,对其结构、微观形貌以及热性能进行表征分析,并开展不同悬浮液浓度及电场强度下Al/MnO2 MIC薄膜的沉积动力学研究。结果表明:沉积的MIC膜均匀致密,无明显裂纹;纳米Al在薄膜中处于过剩状态;Al/MnO2纳米棒薄膜的放热量高于Al/MnO2纳米线。在沉积电压(或悬浮液浓度)不变的情况下,沉积质量与沉积时间呈抛物线关系,Al/MnO2纳米棒的沉积效率高于Al/MnO2纳米线。研究表明EPD法是制备纳米Al/MnO2 MIC薄膜的理想方法,具有应用于微机电系统领域的潜力。
Abstract:In order to apply nano-Al/MnO2 metastable intermolecular composite (MIC) films to micro-electro-mechanical systems(MEMS), MnO2-nanorod and MnO2-nanowire were successfully prepared by a hydrothermal method, and nano-Al/MnO2 MIC films were fabricated by an electrophoretic deposition (EPD) process.The structure, morphology and thermal property of the nano-Al/MnO2 MIC films were characterized and analyzed , and the deposition kinetics of nano-Al/MnO2 MIC films were studied under different deposition voltage or suspension concentration. The results show that the deposited MIC film is uniform and dense without obvious cracks; Nano-Al is in a surplus state in the as-prepared film; The heat release of Al/MnO2-nanorod MIC film is higher than that of Al/MnO2-nanowire. With the deposition voltage (or suspension concentration) unchanged, there is a parabolic relationship between deposition mass and deposition time, and Al/MnO2-nanorod has a higher deposition efficiency than Al/MnO2-nanowire. The study indicates the EPD method is promising for the preparation of nano-Al/MnO2 MIC films, and is applicable to the field of MEMS.
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