Design and Performance Study of A Small Diameter Cutter for High-Temperature and High-pressure Wells
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摘要:针对高温高压小水眼油气井下管柱切割问题,设计了一种外径为Φ36 mm的小直径切割器,首次采用切割器两端同时起爆方式对钻杆进行切割,对其作用过程进行了仿真,并通过地面试验和井下试验对切割器的切割效果进行了验证。结果表明:该切割器能够在压力为95 MPa、温度为160 ℃的井下进行切割作业,实现对水眼大于等于Φ41 mm的多种规格钻杆的切割,且一次性切断钻杆,切割后切割装置接头无粘连、翻边小。本研究可为工程测井和油气资源的深层勘探开发提供技术支持。
Abstract:In response to the problem of cutting down the pipe strings in high-temperature and high-pressure small water hole oil and gas wells, a small diameter cutter with an outer diameter of Φ36 mm was designed. For the first time, the drill pipe was cut by simultaneously detonating at both ends of the cutter, and its working process was simulated. The cutting effect of the cutter was verified through ground and underground tests. The results show that the cutter can perform cutting operations underground at a pressure of 95 MPa and a temperature of 160 ℃, achieving the cutting of various specifications of drill pipes with water holes greater than or equal to Φ41 mm, and cutting the drill pipes in one go. After cutting, the cutting device joint has no adhesion and small flipping. This study can provide technical support for the engineering logging and development of deep exploration of oil and gas resources.
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