Simulation and Analysis of Air Short Gap in Needle Plate Electrode Breakdown Process in Electrostatic Spark Sensitivity Instrument
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Abstract:In order to investigate the breakdown characteristics of the needle plate electrode gap in the electrostatic spark sensitivity instrument, a fluid dynamics-chemical reaction hybrid model was established based on the streamer discharge theory, and the breakdown discharge process of the needle plate electrode gap was numerically simulated. The results show that under different initial discharge conditions, the spatiotemporal evolution of parameters such as the electric field strength at the streamer head, the development speed of the streamer, and the average energy of electrons exhibit significant differences. The breakdown process is influenced by factors such as needle electrode shape, needle plate spacing, applied voltage and gas pressure, and follows the rules: reducing the needle electrode diameter, head curvature radius, or needle plate spacing, and increasing the applied voltage, the electric field strength of the streamer head can be enhanced and the development of the streamer can be accelerated; increasing the gas pressure will increase the electric field strength at the head of the streamer, reduce the average energy of electrons, and slow down the development of the streamer. The results can provide a theoretical basis for the design of the electrostatic spark sensitivity test device.
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