Research on the Influence of Aluminum Powder with Different Charge Structure on the Energy Release Characteristics of Explosive Charge
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Abstract:In order to investigate the influence of aluminum powder with different charge structure on the energy release characteristics of explosive charge, a type of composite charge of aluminized explosive in outer layer and high-energy explosive in inner layer was designed and prepared, the characteristic parameters such as the explosion pressure and temperature of the composite charge were obtained by static explosion test, and the evolution process of the explosive fireballs were photographed. The results show that compared to high-energy explosive and aluminized explosive with uniformly distributed aluminum powder, composite charge of aluminized explosive in outer layer and high-energy explosive in inner layer is beneficial to increase the radius of the explosive fireball and extend the length of time. And the overpressure peak value in the near field is slightly lower, while the shock wave effect in the middle and far field is enhanced simultaneously, but the enhancement effect is not significant because the post combustion reaction rate of aluminum is relatively low. It is feasible to regulate the release of explosive energy by changing the charge structure and aluminum powder distribution, but the outer layer aluminum containing explosive did not experience dust explosion and it mainly releases energy through combustion.
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