Impact of Ni Addition on the Energy Release Characteristics of Al/Fe2O3
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摘要:为探究Ni添加量对Al/Fe2O3能量释放特性的影响,采用球磨工艺制备了Ni质量分数为10%,20%,30%,40%的4种Al/Fe2O3/Ni高热剂,试验研究了Ni含量对高热剂反应热值、自蔓延燃烧性能、反应压力性能的影响,并对反应产物形貌和物相组成进行了分析。结果表明:随着Ni的质量分数由10%增加至40%,高热剂的反应热值从3.5 kJ?g-1降至2.1 kJ?g-1,燃烧速率从0.35 m?s-1降至0.04 m?s-1,反应压力峰值从0.16 MPa降至0.05 MPa。因此,通过调节Ni添加量,可以实现Al/Fe2O3/Ni高热剂燃烧特性在一定范围内的平稳调控。
Abstract:To investigate the effect of Ni addition on the energy release characteristics of Al/Fe2O3, four Al/Fe2O3/Ni thermites with Ni mass fraction of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% were prepared by ball milling process. The influence of Ni content on the reaction heat value, self-propagating combustion performance and reaction pressure performance of the thermites were experimentally studied, and the morphology and phase composition of the reaction products were analyzed. The results show that as the Ni mass fraction increases from 10% to 40%, the reaction heat value of the thermites decreases from 3.5 kJ?g-1 to 2.1 kJ?g-1, the burning rate decreases from 0.35 m?s-1 to 0.04 m?s-1, and the peak reaction pressure decreases from 0.16 MPa to 0.05 MPa. Therefore, by adjusting the amount of Ni added, stable control of the combustion characteristics of Al/Fe2O3/Ni thermites can be realized within a certain range.
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