Research on the Failure of Peak Pressure Time Difference of the Starter Used in A Liquid Rocket Engine
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Abstract:Aimed at the failure of peak pressure time difference of the starter used in a liquid rocket engine, the cause analysis was carried out, the improvement measures were proposed and their effectiveness was tested and verified. The results show that the reason for the failure of peak pressure time difference of the starter is that the welding strength between the diaphragm and the end cover of the starter is insufficient. Under the impact of the high temperature gas, the diaphragm falls off and ablates prematurely, leading to premature release of the pressure. The improvement measures were put forward, which include improving the welding process from 1 circle to 2 circles, improving spot welding to continuous welding, adding air tightness and pressure-bearing performance testing after welding, and strengthening the detection of weakening slot depth. The verification test results indiate the above improvement measures are effective to avoid the appearance of peak pressure time difference of the starter.
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