Study on the General Algorithm Module for Solid Rocket Motor Ignition Device Scheme Design
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Abstract:The existing research on ignition device designs face problems of insufficient systematic research, strong reliance on design experience, and limited versatility. To solve these problems, a systematic analysis of design processes for various types of ignition device was presented. A more general design methodology and process for ignition device solutions was proposed. On this basis, the object-oriented technology was used to develop the corresponding general algorithm module, containing the essential data dictionaries and the implementation of specialized algorithms. The entire process for the scheme design of five types of ignition devices was completed, obtaining structural and performance parameters for the design. Simultaneously, a rapid parametric three-dimensional modeling based on Creo was realized. The algorithm module is not only capable of independent operation but can also be integrated into the relevant software for overall solid rocket motor scheme design systems. Case designs for the FG-02 solid rocket motor ignition device and common tubular ignition device were conducted using the developed algorithm module. The designed results indicate that the established ignition device scheme design process and developed general algorithm module exhibit ideal adaptability. This improvement enhances design efficiency and cost-effectiveness, providing support for ignition device scheme demonstration and preliminary engineering design.
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