Effect of Various Energetic Additives on Reactivity of Nano-Al/CuO
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Abstract:To evaluate the enhancement of various additives in improving the reactivity of nanothermites, nano-Al/CuO and energetic additive, such as one of high explosives, strong oxidizers and fluorides, were assembled into composite energetic materials by electrospray, and thermodynamics calculations, open combustion test and closed bomb test were carried out. The results show that the small molecular weight gaseous products of energetic additives and synergistic effect among components are the major factors promoting the reactivity of nanothermites. In terms of improvement capacity, high explosives occupy first place, ammonium perchlorate (AP) comes second, and followed by perfluorotetradecanoic acid (PFTD). For nano-Al/CuO, the constant pressure propellant force increases by 64.3% with the addition of hexogen (RDX) or octogen (HMX), and HMX offers the most enhancement in the maximum pressure and pressurization rate with a rise rate of 62% and 408%, respectively. Nevertheless, AP and PFTD could weaken the combustion performance and pressurization characteristic of nano-Al/CuO.
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