Synthesis Technique of Azide Primary Explosives by Microfluidics Technology
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摘要:为提高起爆药合成工艺的本质安全性,设计和组建了基于混沌流混合芯片的微流控制备系统,利用在微尺度条件下流体的高效混合,制备出2种典型离子盐叠氮类起爆药:叠氮化铅(LA)和叠氮化银(SA);研究了不同流速、晶型控制剂对LA起爆药的影响;对比了微流法和常规法2种工艺制备的SA,并研究了微流法SA的撞击敏感性和静电敏感性。结果表明:不同的反应流速对LA的晶体形貌和粒径分布产生影响;在微反应体系中合成的SA粒径分布在712.4 ~1 106.4 nm之间,平均粒径为871.6 nm,相对较窄,并且对撞击和静电钝感。研究表明基于微流控技术的连续流合成工艺是一种安全有效、快速制备叠氮类起爆药的方法。
Abstract:To improve the intrinsic safety of the primary explosive synthesis process, a microfluidic preparation system based on a chaotic flow mixing chip was designed and assembled , two typical salt-like primary explosives such as Lead Azide (LA) and Silver Azide (SA) were prepared by the efficient mixing of fluids under microscale condition. The effects of different flow rates and crystal control agents on LA were investigated. The SA prepared by microfluidic and conventional processes were compared, and impact sensitivity and electrostatic sensitivity of microfluidic SA were also investigated. The results show that the control of the reaction flow rate has an impact on the crystal morphology and particle size distribution of LA. The particle size distribution of SA synthesized in the micro-reaction system is ranged from 712.4 nm to 1 106.4 nm, with an average particle size of 871.6 nm, which is much narrower, meanwhile, the SA synthesized by microfluidics is blunt to impact and electrostatic forces. The study indicates the continuous flow synthesis process based on microfluidic technology is a safe and effective method for the rapid preparation of azide primary explosives.
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