Study on the Dangers of Tetramethyl Orthosilicate and Tetraethyl Orthosilicate
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Abstract:Aiming at the explosion accident in the distillation and purification process of tetraethyl orthosilicate,by means of differential scanning calorimetry,the gap test,the Koenen test and the time pressure test, the detonation performance and thermal stability of tetraethyl orthosilicate and tetramethyl orthosilicate were investigated .The results show that tetramethyl orthosilicate decomposed at 212.20℃ with exothermic heat of 88.55J/g, tetraethyl orthosilicate decomposed at 208.49℃ with exothermic heat of 11.98J/g. In the gap test,the witness plates were not perforated and the tubes were ruptured partially. In the Koenen test,when the hole diameter was 1mm,the samples started to react within 150 seconds and the tubes were still intact after test. In the time pressure test, both samples were not burning.Based on the four test results, the two samples of tetramethyl orthosilicate and tetraethyl orthosilicate are not explosive substances.
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