Study of Combustion Performance and Mechanism of the RGD7A-base Grain-molded Propellant
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摘要:为探究颗粒模压发射药的燃烧性能,通过中止燃烧实验和密闭爆发器实验,研究了RGD7A基颗粒模压发射药的燃烧解体过程及燃烧渐增性等特征。结果表明:RGD7A基颗粒模压发射药不是按照平行层燃烧;RGD7A基颗粒模压发射药粘结剂含量为3%、5%和8%时,燃烧渐增因子(Pr)由基体药的0.356 6分别增大至0.395 2、0.433 6和0.362 4,RGD7A基颗粒模压发射药的燃烧渐增性较基体药有所增强,但粘结剂含量超过一定值时,燃烧渐增性有下降趋势。RGD7A基颗粒模压发射药较难全面同时点火以及各部位的物化性质的差异,导致燃烧结束一致性较差。
Abstract:In order to explore the combustion performance of grain-molded propellant, the process of disorganization combustion and the progressive combustion of the RGD7A-base grain-molded propellant were studied via interruption combustion test and closed bomb test.The results show that the RGD7A-base grain-molded propellant is not according to the law of burning parallel layers, with binder content of 3%, 5% and 8% for the RGD7A-base grain-molded propellant ,the values of the progression factor(Pr) increases from 0.356 6 of the granular propellant to 0.395 2, 0.433 6 and 0.362 4, respectively.The progressive combustion of the RGD7A-base grain-molded propellant is increased compared to the granular propellant, while with the binder content increases to a certain value, the progressive combustion property is decreased. There is obvious distinctions of the burning final time of the RGD7A-base grain-molded propellant, which are because of different ignition time, physical and chemical properties in different position.
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