Thermal Decomposition Characteristics of Nano-sized AP Prepared by Rapid Freeze-drying Method
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摘要:为了研究纳米化高氯酸铵(AP)的热分解性能,采用快速冷冻干燥法制备了具有纳米结构的AP样品,对其形貌、结构进行表征,利用差式扫描量热法(DSC)得到纳米化AP在不同升温速率下的热分解曲线,用Kissinger 公式计算了热分解的表观活化能并讨论了纳米化结构对AP热分解的影响。结果表明:采用快速冷冻干燥法得到的纳米化AP具有纳米级网络结构和良好的晶型稳定性,纳米化AP热分解峰温为424.2℃,与原料AP 相比降低了4.4℃;纳米化AP的表观活化能为167.8kJ·mol-1,与原料AP相比降低了114.8kJ·mol-1。研究表明采用快速冷冻干燥法制备的纳米级AP样品的表面活性原子和基团增多,样品易活化,促进了AP热分解。
Abstract:In order to explore the millimeter wave radiation of pyrotechnic composition, a pyrotechnic material with better stability was prepared by using lactose/silica fume/potassium nitrate as a basic formula, a small amount of carbon fiber as a functional additive, and combining with a freeze-drying process, meanwhile, the combustion and millimeter wave radiation performance of this material were tested and analyzed. The results show that compared with traditional pyrotechnic manufacturing method, the pyrotechnic composition prepared by the freeze-drying preparation process has a more stable combustion state; the addition of carbon fiber improves the combustion temperature of the pyrotechnic composition and millimeter wave radiation. When the content of silicon powder is 10%, lactose is 30%,2% carbon fiber with a chopped length of 1.5mm is added, the combustion temperature of pyrotechnic composition increases from 770℃ to 950℃, and the brightness temperature of millimeter wave radiation increases from 500K to 700K.
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