Analysis of the Electrostatic Hazards of Typical Bridge Wire Electro-Explosive Devices
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摘要:为开展典型桥丝式电火工品静电放电危害分析,对基于人体-火工品静电放电模型进行分析,通过数值计算方法探讨了电火工品脚-脚模式静电放电产生的桥丝热响应规律,并通过试验获得典型桥丝式电火工品静电放电阈值边界;利用电火工品简化结构模型以及Ansoft Maxwell软件,仿真获得脚-壳模式下静电场分布规律,并开展试验研究探索电火工品静电击穿特性。此外,针对脚-脚及脚-壳两种危害模式提出了典型桥丝式电火工品静电放电作用机制。
Abstract:To carry out the electrostatic hazards analysis of typical bridge wire electro-explosive devices(EEDs), the electrostatic discharge model of human body to electro-explosive devices was analyzed, the thermal response law of bridge wire generated from pin to pin mode electrostatic discharge of EEDs was discussed through numerical calculation method, and the electrostatic discharge threshold boundary of typical bridge wire EEDs was obtained by experiments. Meanwhile, using the simplified structural model of EEDs and Ansoft Maxwell software, the distribution law of electrostatic field under the pin to case mode of EEDs was simulated, and experimental research was also carried out to explore the electrostatic breakdown characteristics of EEDs. In addition, the electrostatic discharge mechanism of typical EEDs under two hazard modes of pin to pin and pin to case was proposed.
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