Influencing Factor Analysis and Improvement Study of Bending Edge Crack of Some Throw Igniter
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Abstract:In view of the crack problem generated after some throw igniter shell edge being bended,the influencing factors were analyzed, the design improvement and the technology improvement were carried out. Meanwhile, the mechanical performance test, the following bomb test, the production and delivery of multiple batches of products were carried out. The study show that the bending edge effect is closely related to the shell material, the size of the bending edge part, the material and size of the sealing gasket, and the bending edge technology. The selection of shell material should comprehensively consider the requirements of structural strength and material ductility. The sealing gasket should be made of the same material as the shell, the size should not be too thin, and the chamfering design should be carried out. The annealing of finished products shell can effectively solve the bending edge crack problem.
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