Design of Micro-bridge Membrane Based on Electrothermal Analysis
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Abstract:To realize the miniaturized micro-bridge films processed by MEMS technology with low energy initiation, the miniaturized micro-bridge films with different structures and materials were designed, the current density and temperature change process were studied by simulation. By studying the electrothermal characteristic curve of the diagonal of square bridge area, the matching problem of current and material of H-shaped micro-bridge membrane was solved. The results show that the temperature distribution of H-shaped bridge is the most uniform when the input current at both ends of the micro-bridge is 500A. Compared to copper bridge film, it takes less time to reach the melting point for gold bridge film, while its average heating rate is lower. The melting area of copper micro-bridge film is larger and the distribution is more uniform. In the input current range from 300A to 700A, the initiation of copper, gold and aluminum micro-bridge films with the current of 500A, 450A and 400A can improve their energy utilization rate.
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