Pressure Measurement of Cartridge in Small Chamber Using Hopkinson Pressure Bar
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摘要:为了准确获得电爆管在电爆阀真实小容腔中的压力输出特性,设计了18Ni霍普金森压杆式反射压力测试方案,可测压力上限1 900MPa,频率上限125kHz,能够重复使用。测试了一种铝/高氯酸钾电爆管在1mL总容积的容腔中压力输出特性,结果冲击波反射压力峰值为147.5MPa,上升时间为6.8μs,平衡压力为104MPa,比传统的标准密闭爆发器试验换算值约低一半。
Abstract:In order to acquire output pressure of cartridge in real small chamber of pyrovalve, a Hopkinson pressure bar was designed to measure the reflected pressure of blast wave. The Hopkinson bar gage made from M250 material can be reused and can detect limited pressure of 1 900MPa, and the maximum frequency is 125kHz. Finally, a kind of aluminum/ potassium perchlorate cartridge was tested in a 1mL chamber with 0.75mL free volume. The output pressure performance is that, peak pressure 147.5MPa, rise time 6.8μs, and equilibrious pressure 104MPa. The equilibrious pressure is about half lower than the predicted value by transitional standard closed bomb test.
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