Study on Attenuation of Detonator Shock Wave in Chipboard
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摘要:本文用PVDF压电法测量了雷管侧向输出冲击波在硬纸板中的衰减规律,通过试验数据(x,lnP)进行最小二乘法拟合,得出lnP——x有较好的线性关系,计算得到了雷管侧向输出冲击波在硬纸板中的衰减系数为-0.450 29。由衰减结果可知硬纸板是一种较优的防殉爆包装材料。
Abstract:The attenuation regularity of detonator output shock pressure in chipboard was studied with PVDF gauges. Good linear relationship of lnP——x was obtained by fitting experimental data with least square method. The obtained attenuation coefficient of detonator output wave in chipboard is -0.450 29.The calculated attenuation result showed that the chipboard is optimum package material for sympathetic detonation resistance.
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