Summary of the Method for Sealing (Leakage) Examination
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Abstract:Sealing ability is an important measure for ensuring the reliable function of products. Vacuum comp-onents and military used products, especially all devices for use in space technology, such as ignitors, explosive devices, need sealing examination. Marshall aircraft fly center of U.S. has made a lot of sealing tests for electrical equipments. As a result, they have found that there were 9.8%~38.0% products failed in the test because of leakage. There are two kinds of leakages. One is "thick", the other is "thin". The corresponded examining method of the two is not the same. Generally, "thick" leakage shall be examined by using air bubble method, thin leakage shall be examined by using mass spectrographic analysis of helium and tracer determination method of radioactivity etc. Various kinds of examination method of sealing ability are given. Examination method of mass spectrographic analysis of helium have been mainly described in the paper.
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